Hi family, friends, and new followers!
I have a big announcement. After years of dreaming about long-term travel, I am finally ready to make the jump.
In a few weeks I will leave my job at The Young and the Restless to travel for the rest of the year.
Whew! It feels really good to write that. Telling the internet makes it real!
On March 24th I’ll take a red-eye from LAX to…
The Cook Islands
It was free to add a layover in Fiji or the Cook Islands on my itinerary from LAX-New Zealand. So it was an easy decision to spend a few days in the South Pacific!
After logging in some serious beach time, I’ll fly to Auckland on March 28th (thanks to the international date line I’ll never see March 29th — let me know how that day goes, will you?).
I’ll spend the next six weeks traveling around the north and south islands of…
New Zealand
Highlights include Milford Sound, Fraz Josef Glacier, and locations where Lord of the Rings was shot (although I’m embarrassed to admit I’ve never seen the trilogy… I could probably watch all nine hours plus The Hobbit on my flight overseas).
I’ll move around the country on a hop on/hop off bus tour with Stray Travel.
After that I will spend most of May and June in…
My plan is to spend the first month in one city to experience what it’d be like to actually live there (plus it’ll be nice to stay in one place for awhile after so much running around in New Zealand). Right now I’m torn between spending that month in Melbourne or Sydney. I’ll either rent a room for a month on a site like airbnb or stay in a hostel.
The second month I will travel all around Australia, checking out the highlights — Ayer’s Rock, kangaroos, pristine beaches, and the Twelve Apostles rock formations.
After that, my plans are rather flexible. I have a tentative outline for the rest of the year, which I’ll briefly detail here — but I reserve the right to change this at any time! Flexibility is really important in long-term travel, so I don’t want to lock myself into specific plans. I anticipate meeting other travelers on the road and I want to easily adjust my itinerary when opportunities arise.
That said, I’d love to experience the following places on my trip.
Java, Indonesia:
I’m most looking forward to visiting the Borobudur Temple and hiking around Mt. Bromo (which means “joke” en Espanol… I’ll have to investigate the significance behind that name).
Bali, Indonesia:
While this is hardly an Eat Pray Love trip, I don’t mind inviting comparisons during my time in Bali. I have long yearned to see this place with my own eyes!
Places I’m most looking forward to: Tanah Lot Temple, Kuta Beach, and the Gili Islands.
I hear Singapore is upscale, expensive, and impeccably clean. The scope of its skyscrapers is intimidating! I’m looking forward to fun night photography with all those colorful buildings.
Looking forward to: the Rasa Ria orangutan sanctuary, Sapi Island and Mt. Kinabalu in Kota Kinabalu, pricy Mataking Island, and Pulau Manukan.
Philippines & Palau:
My primary draw to the Philippines is Jellyfish Lake on Eil Malk island in Palau. The lake is full of jellyfish that do NOT sting… it would be thrilling to take underwater photos here.
Two of my closest friends will be visiting China in late August for a two-week tour of the country. I’m hoping I can join them! Highlights include Beijing and its structures from the 2008 Summer Olympics, the world’s largest city Shanghai, the rolling mountains of Yangshua, and Hong Kong. And of course the Great Wall.
While this country was devastated by a tsunami in 2011, there is still so much to see. Hiroshima, Kyoto, Mt. Fuji, and Kanazawa are at the top of my list. I’m bummed to miss cherry blossom season, which is in late March / early April.
Climbing to Everest Bast Camp is high on my bucket list, ever since fellow blogger Liz wrote about her experience two years ago. But I’m torn between doing this hike and the equally impressive Annapurna Circuit. If my muscles hold up, perhaps I’ll get to do both?
Nepal isn’t the only country to offer breathtaking views of the Himalayas. I’m told that Bhutan offers the same views with way less tourists. I plan to visit these counties around October during prime climbing season.
Unless other plans pop up, I expect to have about six weeks in late fall before I return to the U.S. for Christmas. I hope to spend that chunk of time visiting three places in the Middle East…
At the top of my list in this country: the Dead Sea, Jerusalem, and the Wailing Wall.
I’ve been intrigued by Jordan ever since my grandparents visited several decades ago. My grandpa Henry was especially enchanted with Petra.
The Blue Mosque and Capadocia have been on my must-see list for years.
I’m exhausted just reading over this post!
That’s an ambitious number of countries given my 9-month time frame, so consider this my 2013 travel wish list. If I make it to half these places, I’ll be thrilled. The point of this trip is to really experience each location and the last thing I want to do is jump from city to city just to say I’ve been there. After New Zealand and Australia, this list allows for roughly two weeks in each area (with the exception of Singapore, which I’d probably only visit for a few days since it’s more expensive). Two weeks doesn’t allow for a lot of down time — and I am committed to blogging almost daily, so I’ll see how it goes and when I need to lay low for a few days to catch my breath.
So you want to follow along?
I can’t wait to share photos and stories from my time on the road! In addition to blogging here, I will share more images on Facebook, Twitter (@AsHerWorldTurns), Instagram (username = AsHerWorldTurns), Pinterest, and YouTube.
And I have a tiny favor: it would be so helpful if you’d ‘like’ my page on Facebook. I hope to partner with travel companies during my trip and a strong following on Facebook helps make that possible!
A few final notes…
Truth be told, I am anxious about my upcoming travels. It’s a daunting trip! But my excitement and eagerness cut through any lingering doubt. It won’t be a carefree and easy few months — travel is often complicated and frustrating, and I expect to endure homesickness and other bumps in the road. I certainly hope I’m not robbed, raped, or killed. (Calm down Mom.) But if I allow the fear of potential bad things to take over, I’d never leave Los Angeles. And ironically, I’m probably safer in some of these countries than in my own home city. Plus if I take basic precautions and make smart decisions (like not stumbling intoxicated down a dark alley by myself in the middle of the night), the risk of something bad happening is drastically reduced.
If I’ve learned anything from past international travel experience, it’s this: people are generally good. Yes, a healthy dose of caution is important. I don’t blindly trust everyone. But I’ve encountered an overwhelming number of kind people on my travels compared to the occasional sketchy vendor or patron or passerby. I take some comfort in this.
The other piece of the puzzle that gives me anxiety is money. I’m about to leave a job I’ve had for seven years. Unfortunately, when you stop working, they stop giving you paychecks! Gulp. I’ve saved over the years in preparation for this trip, but it will still be a sobering moment when my income is officially cut off. And given the number of countries I hope to see and the length of my trip, I have to pace my budget accordingly. With a few exceptions (like my first stop in the Cook Islands, which are inherently pricier) I will stay in low-budget accommodation. Mostly hostels. I’ll save where I can with food and transportation: opting for meals at street vendors, skipping pricy cocktails, and getting around via bus and train, for the most part.
And while I don’t anticipate any actual income from this blog, I hope to barter my blogging and photography skills in exchange for sponsored trips or partnerships with travel companies. I work hard to supply solid content for this site and I look forward to bringing you regular updates from my travels!
This trip has been years in the making and I am thrilled it’s finally here.
“Decide in your heart of hearts what really excites and challenges you, and start moving your life in that direction. Every decision you make, from what you eat to what you do with your time tonight, turns you into who you are tomorrow, and the day after that. Look at who you want to be, and start sculpting yourself into that person. You may not get exactly where you thought you’d be, but you will be doing things that suit you in a profession you believe in. Don’t let life randomly kick you into the adult you don’t want to become.”— Astronaut Chris Hadfield’s answer to the question, “Any advice to a young person who wants to get into this field?”

Aaaaaahhhhh I am so excited for you!!!! Too bad your Middle East journeying won’t be this April, since Em and I will be there. ALSO if you happen to randomly decide that instead of all these fun exotic places, you want to visit London in the fall/winter, I’ll prepare an air mattress.
I would love to stay at the Hotel Carrie
Wow. that sounds really fun.
Thank you Andy!!
I am soooo excited for you and will definitely be following along!!! Good luck, have fun, and safe travels!!!
Thank you Shayra!! I can’t wait!!
WHOOOHOOO! Can’t wait to read along, girl!
Thanks Eva! Feel free to come join me at any point!
This is so cool! Congratulations, Erica, for making your (second!) dream come true! I’ll be eagerly following along in support
Thank you Molly!! Looking forward to sharing the trip with you
I am soooooooo excited for you! This is AMAZING! I have a friend who just spent the better part of the year traveling throughout Australia, and she did the couch surfing thing (and consequently met her now husband!). So look into that, because hosts with high ratings and lots of good recommendations are totally safe, and it’s a free place to stay. There are people who do that all over the world. I have friends in many of those places, so let me know if you ever want me to try to hook you up with any of them. I can’t wait to read all about your adventures!
Thank you Jen! I am intrigued by Couch Surfing; that is great that your friend had such a successful time and found her husband!
I’m so excited for you. I can’t wait to see all your pictures and read about all your adventures and I’ll be sure comment all the time.
Thank you Em!! You are welcome to join me at any location, should that be possible!!
I’m Victoria Kichuk’s Auntie Helen ~ I will be reading your posts along your journey ~ I give you loads of support….and wishing I had taken risks like this in my life!!! I will pray for your peace and safety, and I will be excited to see the places and people you will meet along the way…peace be with you and love and laughter along your travels ~ this is all coming from a South Floridian……XO
Thank you Helen!! I so appreciate the support, well-wishes, and prayers for safety!! After hearing about you for years it is so nice to “meet” you on-line!
This itinerary literally brought tears to my eyes. I am SO excited to follow you on your trip through your photos and blogs. You are such a great writer and photographer, it is going to be so exciting to see where you are traveling to! We wish you the best of luck and cannot wait to hear all about it!!
Thank you so much Erika!! I can’t wait to share photos and stories from the road! I so appreciate the support. One of these days I hope to visit your beautiful state and catch up with you, Timmy, and Sophie!
Congratulations! What a journey for you. Wishing you all the best and everything you want to come true. Cheers, David
Thanks for the kind wishes David!!
xo, Erica
Hi Erica
We are so excited for you will miss you at the Christmas Tree hunt in the Rockies but intend to follow you on your trip. It will shape the rest of your life, and I suspect change it significantly, living in another country, learning other cultures are second to none experiences. You have said it all in make wise choices, you will get home sick but let me give you some advise my father gave me when I first set out in the World and crossed the Atlantic. ‘Remember your friends and family will all be there in your heart, and though you won’t you can always come home.’
Looking forward to your posts.
Love Elaine & Steve
Hi Elaine and Steve!! Thank you for your encouragement! Uncle David mentioned that you did a similar trip and I appreciate your words of advice. I will miss you both this Thanksgiving too! Perhaps we can have a Turkey Day reunion in 2014
xo, Erica
Erica: I always knew you were a special person. You were always so thoughtful and considerate…….but I
am thrilled to say you are now officially MY HERO!!!!! I sending this to my daughter and grandsons. I want
them to have the courage to go after their dreams just like you are. I am excited beyond words to read all
about your travel experiences. I wish when I was a young woman that I had the courage to do exactly what
you’re doing. Wishing you the best of times these next nine months.
P.S. Have you thought about doing a reality show?
Gail, thank you so much for your sweet words!! I’ve only been traveling for about two weeks now and it’s already proven to be such a worthwhile experience. It’s a big world out there and I am thrilled to see a few parts of it on this trip! No reality show plans yet but we’ll see what transpires
Thank you again for your kindness, and I hope life is treating you well!!
xo, Erica
Way to go Erica…Good luck!!!
Thank you Raymond!!
After 14 months in Asia, I highly recommend
1- Sipadan, Malaysia and Papua, Indonesia as some of the best, and most diverse diving in the world.
My Asia SCUBA video:
2- Baliem Valley, Papua Indonesia for some of the most primitive people you will ever experience
hope you make it there!
Thank you for the tips! I hope I can make it to some of those places. I don’t have my diving certification yet but I hope to get it in my next country (Australia) so I can dive as I work my way up into some of destinations you’ve listed. And thanks for the tip on Baliem Valley!!
Hi Erica!
I met one of your friends on the Boston Chocolate Tour this past weekend (Victoria our tour guide) who told me about your amazing travel plans!! I’m an Australian living in Boston and was so excited to hear you would be spending some time ‘down under’ this year! I hope you have an AMAZING trip, congratulations on taking the big travel leap and I look forward to following your travels via your blog! I’ll be back in Australia this October/November so if you happen to stay in Melbourne maybe we could meet up for a coffee or some vegemite on toast
Have a great time!!
Hi Prue!
Thank you so much for checking out my blog! That was very kind of Victoria to pass it along. I hope you are enjoying your time in Boston, as it is one of my favorite U.S. cities and I miss it dearly! I have a few days left in New Zealand and then I fly to Melbourne on Sunday and stay until around mid-July… or at least that’s the plan right now. If I can’t tear myself away perhaps I’ll still be there when you return later this year! I hear I have to at least try the vegemite…
Thanks for contacting me! Enjoy your time in Boston!!