CT Day Trip: Washington Depot

With the exception of a quick drive-through, I’ve never been to Washington / Washington Depot, Connecticut (they are separate towns but located right next to each other). This area is perhaps best known to non-CT residents as the town that inspired Amy Sherman-Palladino to create Gilmore Girls. For those in the New York City area, it’s a weekend retreat spot.

My sister and I checked it out a few weekends ago. On the way there, we stopped briefly at Vinanthromodern, a unique shop in New Haven where my sister sells her craft and small furniture designs. It’s a cute shop and worth visiting in if you’re in the New Haven area.


After my sister drops off some new products for sale, we hop back in the car and head towards the Litchfield area.

We got a later start than we’d hoped, and find out upon arrival that on Sunday afternoons the whole town of Washington Depot (which isn’t that big to start with) essentially shuts down. It’s around 3:45p when we arrive, and Marty’s Cafe — where we hope to have a quick bite to eat — stops serving food at 3p. Major bummer.


While Marty’s Cafe is no longer selling food at this hour, they do have coffee. It’s a cute joint.


We end up down the street at one of the only restaurants still open — G.W. Tavern. The food is delicious, not overpriced, and service is quick. My sister orders the veggie burger and I get a chicken sandwich.



After lunch, we rush back to The Hickory Stick Bookshop to check it out before they close at 5p. This place is adorable and I would have liked more time here to explore.


My sister was here last fall and spotted Christine Baranski, who much have a weekend home up here as an escape from the city. Of much greater relevance to me: Stephen Sondheim lives in the next town over.


Speaking of theater greats, I notice a sign posted on the community board by the entrance — there is a fundraiser reading of a Sarah Ruhl play starring Sam Waterson and Joanna Gleason happening RIGHT NOW at one of the churches up the street (FYI… there are many churches up the street). I kick myself for not investigating this sooner, but the price point ($100-$250) is out of my budget anyway.

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Well… everything else in town is closed. We walk a little more and take some photos, but it feels like a disappointment. There just isn’t much to see. It was announced a few weeks ago that a Gilmore Girls weekend will be held here in the fall, and I hope they build in fan events because the town itself isn’t exactly overflowing with things to do. (By the way, if you are a major Gilmore Girls fan, other bloggers have dedicated entire posts to this town, deciphering which establishment most closely resembles Luke’s Diner, etc. The real-life inspiration for Independence Inn is Mayflower Grace Inn, though we didn’t stop there so I don’t have photos.)


The exterior of the Washington Art Association looks cute, but alas, it is closed:




I convince my sister to pull over at two rather impressive churches so I can take pictures. Church #1, Our Lady of Perpetual Help:


And Church #2, St. John’s:


For a late afternoon treat, we drive all the way to Fairfield, CT (it’s not close) to get ice cream at a trendy shop we’ve had our eye on for awhile — it’s called Milkcraft, and they serve liquid nitrogen ice cream in a Hong Kong-style bubble waffle. Let’s just say it’s Instagram-worthy. As expected, there is a long wait.


You can see the cold fog from the nitrogen on the left below:

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Here’s the menu so you can drool over these flavor combos:


It takes me a long time to decide — I waffle back and forth (pun totally intended) between the Miss Piggy, Vietnamese Coffee, and PB&J Roasted Banana.

My sister picks the Cookie Butter Speculoos, also known as “the blue one.” She adds drizzled caramel as a topping.


I finally settle on the Miss Piggy Does Vermont flavor, which includes vanilla ice cream mixed with maple syrup and bacon pieces sprinkled on top.

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Milkcraft is officially checked off the local bucket list.

Washington Depot, perhaps we will return again during fall foliage season… but not after 3pm on a Sunday!

3 thoughts on “CT Day Trip: Washington Depot

    • I actually have not seen the TV show! But since they filmed it in Los Angeles on a studio lot, it looks different — and the “fake” set is probably more beautiful than the real thing!

  1. Very nice post. Thank you! I heard about the town from a friend. It looks very quaint. I know how it feels to arrive somewhere a little too late to enjoy everything.

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