Fun in the Sun… July 2015
Recap of July 2015… I thought it was a slow month until I started putting together this post! Highlights include exploring Connecticut and lots of family time, plus theater and time on Cape Cod. Continue reading
Recap of July 2015… I thought it was a slow month until I started putting together this post! Highlights include exploring Connecticut and lots of family time, plus theater and time on Cape Cod. Continue reading
Here is my monster update on CAMP! I got to spend a week at Silver Lake in Connecticut with 30 high school students. Bring on the waterfront, field games, and campfires! Continue reading
I’m volunteering at summer camp this week so there will be no new blog posts until next Monday. I’ll be canoeing on the lake, eating s’mores, and making videos with high school kids. Continue reading
Here’s a holiday recap of our Christmas Eve and Day — a nighttime walk around Wallingford, quality time spent with family, and some generous and crafty gifts. Continue reading
I spent my November weekends in NYC catching theater and in Connecticut taking long walks, soaking up the end of autumn. Check out the photo highlights. Continue reading
My hometown of Wallingford, Connecticut is beautiful in any season, but autumn might be my favorite. These photos are two years old but today sounds like a good day for a fall flashback. Continue reading
I’ve been lucky to spend lots of time with family this past month — quality visits with cousins, trips to Cape Cod with my parents, and more. Check out these photo highlights from May. Continue reading
I packed a lot into the shortest month of the year — visiting family, lots of theater, an early birthday celebration… and so much television. Continue reading
This past month has been chock full of goodness — visits with friends and family, a UConn game, new restaurants, and even a chocolate tour. Continue reading
In today’s summer flashback, I recall my favorite moments from working at summer camp in Connecticut. Continue reading