Shortly after Christmas my family headed out to Cape Cod, Massachusetts for the week. We love visiting the Cape at this time of year because it’s so quiet — the tourists are gone, the coastline is beautifully desolate, and everything is so still.
I snapped this first batch of photos during a walk at Nauset Marsh Trail in Eastham, Massachusetts:
Despite how bundled up we look, the weather was surprisingly warm for this time of year — usually it’s bitter cold in late December. Temperatures may have been in the 40’s but we’re dressed for the 20’s!
We hiked this trail a few years ago just after major winds caused this bridge to tilt to one side (check out this photo I snapped of the bridge in January 2014 — and if you’d like, this post has more photos from Nauset Marsh Trail).
Next we stopped briefly at Longnook Beach in Truro — the dunes here have shrunk the parking lot since our last visit. We walked out just far enough to admire the dramatic coastal views.
Next stop: Provincetown!
Provincetown, which was jam-packed with tourists during our visit last summer, is peaceful and quiet this time of year. We grabbed a bite to eat at the Squealing Pig and then walked up and down Commercial Street, popping into stores that hadn’t already closed for the season.
One of these days I’d love to see a show at Town Hall (photographed below), which features big-name Broadway talent during the warmer months. A nearby venue, The Art House, also hosts these kinds of concerts.
Another day we wandered around Chatham, taking advantage of steep discounts offered at retail shops as they close out any remaining merchandise to make room for next season’s items.
View of Stage Harbor Beach in Chatham:
My family loves board games and we spent many nights learning the newest additions we received for Christmas. This one — Ticket to Ride: Europe — is a twist on the original Ticket to Ride game that we already love. They’ve added rules for tunnels and ferries to accommodate the European map. We also spent time learning Settlers of Catan: Explorers & Pirates Expansion Pack — it’s complicated but some day we’ll get all the new rules down!
We met up with our friends Diane and Clay for a delicious dinner at Jailhouse Tavern in Orleans, my favorite restaurant on the Cape.
I ordered the seafood special which featured scallops, shrimp, and lobster over pasta. Another night we went to Clancy’s in Dennis Port with my aunt and uncle, and the food was also really delicious — I ordered the salmon special.
On New Year’s Eve we walked along Breakwater Beach in Brewster as the sun set for the final time in 2015.
My family gathered at my aunt and uncle’s to celebrate New Year’s Eve with board games and champagne, but I stayed in for a quiet night. I made some calls and caught up with friends and loved ones. At midnight, I toasted the new year with my parents’ sweet pup Bijou. Don’t worry, I only let her have one glass of wine.
On New Year’s Day we walked Red River Beach, where we caught a few brave souls partaking in a polar plunge. Not us!
And after one final game of Ticket to Ride, it was time for me to catch a bus to Logan Airport in Boston. Winter weather is about to arrive so this snowbird must flee to warmer climates! Los Angeles will do the trick.
Guess who I ran into at Logan? My good friends Kelley and Irving, and their sweet daughter Adele! They were supposed to fly out a few hours before me but their flight was delayed so our time at the airport overlapped. What a fantastic surprise!
That wraps up a fun New Year’s on Cape Cod. I can’t thank my parents enough for hosting such a cozy and relaxing week for my sister and me — they planned nature walks, cooked delicious meals, and even let me win some of the board games! I hit the parent jackpot and love them so much.
We were so happy to have you with us, and feel that we hit the “kid” jackpot!!! Love you so much!!!!

Love you Momma! XOXO!!