I’ve been lucky to visit Cape Cod a few times during the past two months. The area has been hit with heaps of snow, but it’s made the Cape even more photogenic. Case in point: this view last Sunday.
But the weather isn’t so bad the previous weekend, as my parents and I go for a walk along the shore.
My mom bakes her signature fish dish with loads of sherry and butter. It’s delicious.
And the cold weather can’t stop me from eating ice cream for dessert…
Over the holidays my sister introduced us to the board game Pandemic and we’ve since become addicted. It’s a game where all players work together to save the planet from a string of epidemics, and either everyone wins (we saved the world!) or everyone loses (the world is dead). The colored blocks below represent diseases making their way around the globe. It’s our job to stop them from spreading, find a cure, and eradicate them. We play this game numerous times throughout the weekend.
The next day we drive along the beach in Dennis, keeping our eyes peeled for snowy owls.
Original Seafood is a favorite spot in Dennisport. I order a lobster roll… look at all that meat!
Fast forward to last weekend. The snow comes down pretty hard all day, so it’s the perfect time to curl up and binge watch House of Cards season 2.
By evening, the Cape is blanketed in snow. I snap these photos about twelve hours apart, at 11pm Saturday night and then 11am the next morning.
We drive to a nearby beach and walk in the snow. I take dozens of photos.
Part of this home is designed as a lighthouse:
We make our way over to the Chatham pier.
And up to Chatham Light:
Thanks to my Mom for snapping this shot of the photographer!
We make a quick stop in downtown Chatham to admire the storefronts, most of which are closed for the winter but still pretty to look at in all this snow.
We return to a favorite restaurant, Land Ho, for dinner and watch some of the Olympics. Then head home to play more Pandemic!
Since it’s a holiday weekend, we go for a final walk along the beach in Dennis on Monday afternoon before driving back to Connecticut.
Many thanks to my Mom & Dad for sharing these Cape Cod adventures with me!
I still find the thought of snow on sand to be so foreign to my brain.
You drove right by our house on your way from the fish pier to lighthouse beach. I can’t wait to get back there this summer, and someday, we’d love to spend a full year there to experience all the seasons.
Wintertime at the Cape is beautiful, even with freezing temps. And I appreciate the lack of crowds!
Love that stretch of beach in Chatham, what a lovely location for a home!