RECAP: Galapagos and Ecuador
Just in case you missed a post, here is a mini recap of my entire trip to Galapagos and mainland Ecuador! Continue reading
Just in case you missed a post, here is a mini recap of my entire trip to Galapagos and mainland Ecuador! Continue reading
Following a travel magazine tip, I seek out a waterfall in rural Ecuador and enjoy the lush views. Continue reading
Remember that time I hiked a glacier and then bicycled down a volcano? Now THIS is an adventure story. Continue reading
Do you weigh less on the equator? Does water swirl in different directions in each hemisphere? I investigate during a trip to the equator museum in Ecuador. Continue reading
My friend Deidra and I embark on a city tour of Quito and risk our lives to take stunning photos from a precarious vantage point over the Basilica. Worth it! Continue reading
Meet the lady tortoises at the Charles Darwin Research Center. Will they entice Lonely George out of his shell? Continue reading
I’ve spent years on white sand beaches, but Galapagos offers a whole rainbow spectrum of sand. Continue reading
Meet the island that I planned my entire Galapagos trip around. Did Bartolome live up to its lofty expectations? Continue reading
Check out a “newer” Galapagos island — Sombrero Chino is only a quarter of a million years old. Continue reading
Ugh, ANOTHER Galapagos beach with white sand, aqua water, bright red crabs, and a pretty sunset. Are we over this yet?? Continue reading