Israel Day Trip: Caesarea, Haifa, Acre
We visit three cities north of Tel Aviv in an epic day trip: a historic port town, a bustling metropolis, and a walled city. Continue reading
We visit three cities north of Tel Aviv in an epic day trip: a historic port town, a bustling metropolis, and a walled city. Continue reading
The vibrancy of Tel Aviv’s energy is matched only by its color. Check out these bold beach shots and other unexpected moments of artwork that pop up throughout the city. Continue reading
Jaffa is a highlight of Tel Aviv — it’s a charming seaside port with restaurants, shops, and cool alleyways. Plus we try meze for the first time, and it leaves me too stuffed for a proper meal! Continue reading
Art, spices, olives, fruit… there’s an abundance of color and energy at this hectic market in Tel Aviv. Continue reading
The Tony Awards are almost here! Read about all the theater I’ve seen recently, as well as photos of Lincoln Center and Central Park. Continue reading
I’ve been lucky to spend lots of time with family this past month — quality visits with cousins, trips to Cape Cod with my parents, and more. Check out these photo highlights from May. Continue reading
My cousin Lauren recently married her longtime love Beau at a gorgeous farm in Massachusetts. Check out photo highlights of this special day. Continue reading
I packed a lot into the shortest month of the year — visiting family, lots of theater, an early birthday celebration… and so much television. Continue reading
I have a lot of favorites from this trip, but Turkey is right near the top. Check out the highlights from my 2+ weeks traveling around this glorious place. Continue reading
Wishing you all a Happy Turkey Day (and happy Hanukkah!) from the Holy Land. Continue reading